Top 50 Blogs for Online Scripture Study
Do you like to analyze scripture from the Bible? Or, do you simply want daily solace through a meditative verse? The following list of top fifty blogs for online scripture study includes blogs that range from the daily verse variety to scholarly studies that include Hebrew poetry and more. In most cases, the blogs hold many other links to hundreds of other Bible study blogs as well.
The following list is categorized, and each link is listed in alphabetical order within each category. This method assures readers that we do not value one Bible study blog over another.
Daily Scriptures
- Daily Bible Online: Although online entries in this blog focus mainly on Bible verses, the rest of the site contains information such as a Bible review, studies, commentaries, dictionaries and more.
- Daily Bible Verse Studies: One verse a day and in-depth Bible studies are available at this blog.
- Daily Scripture Blog: Some entries contain commentary, but the majority of blog entries contain a daily scripture with several Biblical translations.
- The Daily Bible Verse: Get your daily dose of Bible here, and follow the author on MySpace, Facebook and through email subscription.
- The Quotations Bible Study: Learn scripture through a question with a scripture answer. This blog supports the Quotations Bible Study sponsored by the Christian Quotation of the Day.
Bible Blogs
- Biblia Hebraica: A blog about the Hebrew Bible, Biblical interpretation and related topics.
- Crossway Books & Bibles is a not-for-profit publisher of Christian books, the English Standard Version (ESV) Bible, and other gospel literature.
- ESV bible Blog: This blog can keep you up-to-date with the happenings of the English Standard Version Bible.
- Logos Bible Software Blog: Follow the blog and gain access to the software, forums and sermons at this Web site.
- New Living Translation Blog: You can find entries about issues, perspectives and news related to this version of the Bible at this blog.
- NLT Study Bible Blog: Learn more about the New Living Translation study Bible at this updated blog.
Bible Study
- Andy Talks: The pastor of Ripley First United Methodist Church in TN shares his knowledge through various Bible verses.
- Bible Study Blog: this blog contains a verse-by-verse study of the Bible.
- Blogs: This list provides several insightful blogs from various scholars with offerings of Bible studies, commentary and more.
- Biblicalia: Kevin Edgecomb, a member of the Eastern Orthodox Church, looks at translations and studies of the early Christian period.
- Christian Bible Study Blog: This site contains Christian Bible studies as well as articles concerning Christian issues.
- Codex: An Assistant Professor of Theology at The King’s University College in Edmonton, Alberta, brings his perspective to Biblical, theological and religious studies.
- Creative Bible Study Blog: Subscribe to this Christian Creative Bible Study RSS feed and you can have creative Bible lessons, ideas, and updates delivered to you everyday – or just visit the site.
- Examining the Scriptures Daily: Take a daily dose of text from the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures with commentary from the Examining the Scriptures Daily booklet from Watchtower magazine.
- God Didn’t Say That: A blog about Bible translations and mistranslations, written by a Joel Hoffman, PhD in theoretical linguistics.
- One Year Bible Blog: The origins and motive behind this site remain mysterious, but the entries are colorful and modern.
- Participatory Bible Study Blog: Henry Neufeld is a Bible teacher, president of Pacesetters Bible School and writer and lecturer and owner of Energion Publications.
- Preacher’s Study: This blog takes on the perspective that when church-going people are happy to allow their preachers and denomination leaders to interpret the Bible for them, they are creating a recipe for spiritual disaster.
- Sitz im Leben: This blog is a biblioblog, which simply means that its main focus is on the academic study of the Bible.
- The Sacred Page: Three Catholic professors of scripture and theology tackle this bog, which focuses on a foundation that “the staudy of the sacred page is, as it were, the soul of sacred theology.”
Audience-Specific Scripture Blogs
- Evangelical Textual Criticism: This blog is a forum for people who have knowledge of the Bible in its original languages to discuss its manuscripts and textual history from an historic evangelical theology perspective.
- First Lutheran Church Online Bible Study: This blog is hosted by First Evangelical Lutheran Church in Leechburg, PA, a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
- Orthodox Christian Interactive Bible Studies: This blog by Jason Barker focuses on multimedia Bible study development for the Antiochian Orthodox Department of Youth Ministry and the Orthodox Christian Network.
- Suzanne’s Bookshelf: One of the few scripture/Bible blogs written by a woman about women. But, the blog also focuses on Bible translation, manuscripts, writing systems and more.
- Young Married Class Bible Study Blog: This up-to-date blog is sponsored by the Church of God in Carmichael, California and focuses on young married couples. Look to the left column to find courses related to middle-school, high school, young adult, mature adult and seniors as well.
Old and New Testament Studies
- Dr. Claude Mariottini – Professor of Old Testament: Dr. Mariottnini has been professor of Old Testament at Northern Baptist Seminary since 1988, and he shares his Old Testament knowledge in this blog.
- Free Old Testament Audio Website Blog: This blog is designed to help ‘ordinary people’ understand the old testament, both through blog and audio entries.
- Identity Formation in the New Testament: This blog provides a forum for discussion of the emergence of Christ-movement social identity with an emphasis on Paul’s writings.
- New Testament Interpretation: This blog both designates thoughts about interpretive activities directed toward the New Testament and includes the interpretations that the New Testament itself makes of Jewish scripture.
- New Testament Musings: This is Craig Blomber’s blog at the Denver Seminary site.
- New Testament Perspectives: Matthew has his master’s degree in New Testament from Ashland Theological Seminary, and he shares his thoughts and knowledge on the new Testament in this blog.
- NT Blog: This is Mark Goodacre’s academic blog that focuses on New Testament and Christian origin issues.
- NTGeeks: Greg Carey, Professor of New Testament at Lancaster Theological Seminary and Scholar in Residence at Lancaster’s Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity, focuses on topics related to Biblical studies and “the life of faith.”
- Old Testament Passion: A seminary teacher shares his passion for the Old Testament in this blog.
Special Studies
- Ancient Hebrew Poetry: Examine the structure and content of Biblical verses as well as read commentary on analysis from an ordained pastor in the Waldensian Church – Union of Waldensian and Methodist Churches in Italy and who currently serves United Methodist congregations in Wisconsin. He also holds a master’s degree student in the Hebrew language.
- Awilum: This instructor of Old Testament interpretation at Southern Seminary offers his insights into the Bible and ancient Near East, including his teaching and research.
- Beauty of the Bible: This blogger states that he has “absolutely no qualifications to write a Bible blog,” yet his blog is linked to from various other Biblical blogs, including scholarly blogs. The purpose of this blog is “to provide non-traditional insight into the Word of God.”
- Better Bibles Blog: This blog focuses on Bible translation issues, not theology, ideology or personalities.
- Biblical Paths: This site is dedicated to Biblical truths as revealed through Biblical study and (Biblical) archaeology.
- Biblical Studies and Technological Tools: This site is for beginners to Biblical study as well as to professionals who want to learn more about software and tools that help make Bible study and teaching easier.
- Biblioblogs: Learn about Bible blogs from this blog, an aggregate of blogs that are geared toward Biblical studies.
- Confessions of a Bible Junkie: This doctoral student in the Christianity and Judaism in Antiquity program at the University of Virginia writes thoughts about the ‘historical Jesus,’ New Testament, textual criticism, early Christian worship and more.
- NT/History Blog: This blog is about the juxtaposition of history and the New Testament.
- Scripture Zealot: This blog contains scripture, lessons, commentary and news as well as a long list of other scripture blogs and links.
- The Forbidden Gospels: Learn more about the Nag Hammadi collection, Tchacos Codex, and other Christian apocrypha with April DeConick, Isla Carroll and Percy E. Turner Professor of Biblical Studies at Rice University.
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