Most Popular Careers for Bible College Graduates

While a career as a clergy member may be the first thing most people think of when determining how to use a bible college degree, this isn’t the only path you could follow. Depending on your program of study, you could get a job doing anything from counseling youth at a church to being a doctor. Having a religious education doesn’t mean that you have to pursue a career that is all about preaching. For many students, that extra level of education simply serve as a way to make you a better, more morally-conscious employee.

That’s not to say that a career as a member of the clergy isn’t right for you. In fact, this is one of the most popular careers for bible college graduates. However, working at a church isn’t your only option. You can also work as a chaplain at the following places:

  • Colleges
  • Branches of the Military
  • Hospitals
  • Prisons

Even large companies are hiring chaplains to provide faith-based counseling for employees who request help. This is especially common for companies where employees are under a lot of stress. As a member of the clergy, you can also join a company such as Workplace Chaplains, where you’ll essentially move around to places where you’re needed, somewhat like a freelancer in your field.

If you want to be a member of the clergy, you can also specialize in order to reach certain groups of people. For example, you can become a youth pastor, catering to children and young adults. You can also become a missionary, traveling to places far outside the United States to spread the word of God. Keep in mind that missionaries are also needed in areas right here in the United States, such as in inner cities.

Many bible college graduates who don’t choose to pursue a career as a member of the clergy instead decide to go into counseling and social services. Some of the most popular careers within this field include the following:

  • Family and Child Social Workers
  • Substance Abuse Counselors
  • Guidance Counselors
  • Mental Health Counselors
  • Vocational Counselors
  • Probation Officers
  • Public Health Social Workers
  • Therapists

Additionally, education is a major career field for bible college graduates. You can consider the following career paths if you enjoy teaching:

  • Child Care Worker/Day Care Teacher
  • Elementary School Teacher
  • Secondary School Teacher
  • College Professor
  • Private Tutor

Some larger churches also hire teachers to lead bible studies, confirmation classes, new member classes, Sunday school, summer bible camp, and other programs.

Remember, you can take many degrees from bible colleges and work in a secular environment. Bible colleges allow you to have an extra depth to your training, so that you can make decisions in the workplace with your religion in mind. However, that doesn’t mean that you’re not qualified to work as a doctor, lawyer, engineer, IT profession, musician, police officer, chef, or any other job title in your dreams. In many cases, you can get a great start to you education at a bible college, and go on to get your master’s degree or even higher degree in your field.

Featured Accredited Online Bible Schools

If you're a prospective student who not only has a deep commitment to the Christian faith, but also has a strong desire to incorporate that faith into your education, then there is a wide variety of academic options available. The following schools combine a strong foundation in the principles of Christianity with top-notch accredited education in many subject areas, including religion, theology, social sciences, and more.

Ohio Christian University Ohio Christian University, founded in 1948, is dedicated to providing their students with intellectual and spiritual development. Their Associate's, Bachelor's, and Master's programs are designed for busy adults. With classes online and on campus, OCU makes earning a degree convenient for their students with busy schedules.
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Saint Leo University Saint Leo University is truly a remarkable institution for students who are looking to further their education. The school offers state-of-the-art materials and courses that can help you develop into the future! With the schools highly interactive courses and technological advancement, the university has prided itself on its ability to imitate a traditional campus environment. Saint Leo also offers a vibrant curriculum and many degree programs that make this school worth looking into.
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Liberty University With Baptist roots, Liberty University is the world's largest evangelical college. Founded by Jerry Falwell in 1971, Liberty's mission is "Training Champions for Christ". Liberty offers accredited online degree programs in a variety of subjects, including religion, business, computers, education, health, aviation, and criminal justice.
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